We’re in the process of trying to become short term expats in Kathmandu and I must say that its proving harder than I thought. We arrived, hoping to find notice boards, signs or publications with rental listings, as we’ve seen in other expat-heavy locations. We’ve found none of these things.
We’re most likely missing something. I’m sure there’s an obvious way that people do this, but since we operate the way that we do (most often rather awkwardly), we’re at a loss.
The one source we’ve found is this site, which lists properties for rent. We’ve stalked the agent (in the photo above) that runs the site and though it is a festival day, he was nice enough to show us two places today.
Big house exterior
One was a three bedroom mansion which was FAR too much house for the two of us. The second one was billed as a full service apartment (it has a cleaning service, full time security guard, etc) but looked more like a hotel than most of the hotels we’ve stayed in. We’re trying to get away from living in hotels for a while – it’s sort of the point of this house hunt.
Exterior of full service apartment
Neither place seemed right, so we’re looking again tomorrow. Until then, we’re drowning our house hunting sorrows in a healthy dose of day drinking. It’s festival day, after all!
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