• Notes From the Road

    Posted on October 27th, 2009

    Written by Jaime


    An added bonus

    When we happened to travel from Agra to Delhi during a major Indian holiday. Our transportation options were quite slim: the government bus (12 or so hours) or a chartered taxi (costing far more money but only lasting 5 or so hours). We opted to treat ourselves to the taxi – the wise decision, it turns out.


    The ride was uneventful, but turned out to be well worth it because of an unexpected bonus. Before leaving Agra our driver explained that he needed to rush home to change his clothes. We were comfortable in the large back seat of his car, so didn’t mind taking a minor detour. Once we arrived in his neighborhood we were met with a surprise. Local children, curious who the foreigners were, were streaming out of the houses in the neighborhood. Many of them were nice enough to stand for a few photos.


    Check out the gallery below for some of my favorites.



    Picture 4 of 4

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