• Traditional Myanmar Makeup

    One thing becomes pretty obvious after a few minutes in Myanmar. There’s a face paint thing going on. Both men and women use it and we didn’t get it. I thought it might have been a form of sunscreen. Martin thought it was a form of traditional makeup. It turns out that it’s sort of both.

    The paint is made from a particular type of wood that is ground with water on a grinding stone made specifically for the job. The resulting paste is applied to the face in varying designs and degrees of cover (some are just circles on the cheeks, others apply it to the whole face). It’s used more often in the summer, which supports my theory of some sort of sun protection. It’s also a cultural thing – the person applies the paste in varying ways according to their tradition, which makes Martin right as well.

    It caught us off guard at first, but a few days have passed now and it barely catches our attention. In fact, in some cases it’s extremely cute.

    Cute face paint

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    This entry was posted on Monday, February 1st, 2010 at 8:44 pm and is filed under Myanmar (Burma). You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
  • http://www.raminassemi.com Ramin Assemi

    The type of wood that is being used is sandalwood (although it may vary depending upon region and people).
    Easy to find out – just smell. If it smells kind of like incense, or reminds you of a Buddhist or Hindu temple, then it’s sandalwood.
    It’s excellent stuff – it makes the skin smooth, and yes, protects from the sun too.
    Apart of that, it’s also good against pimples and dry skin.

  • http://www.raminassemi.com Ramin Assemi

    The type of wood that is being used is sandalwood (although it may vary depending upon region and people).
    Easy to find out – just smell. If it smells kind of like incense, or reminds you of a Buddhist or Hindu temple, then it’s sandalwood.
    It’s excellent stuff – it makes the skin smooth, and yes, protects from the sun too.
    Apart of that, it’s also good against pimples and dry skin.

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