This is me in my own personal heaven. If you’ve been following this blog, you’ll know that I’m a sucker for picking up souvenirs (as shown here and here and here). They’re usually of the small furniture, machete, or unusable carpet variety – bulky and awkward but items I really can’t do without.
Well, yesterday I had a souvenir break-through. As a Manintines surprise, Martin walked me across Mandalay and down a small, unmarked side street. Our destination: a little antique collector’s dream shop. Amazing items were quite literally packed in from floor to ceiling – each thing more amazing than the next.
Anticipating that I would go buck-wild, Martin gave me a firm budget to work with. An hour later (after many laps around the shop, much debate and really making the poor dealer work for his money), we walked out carrying two of the coolest things we’ve ever bought.
Our new opium weights
The first is a set of metal weights that were used to measure opium. Each is of descending weight and decorated with smaller and smaller spiders. So cool!
Our new Ganesh medicine doll
The second item is a Ganesh medicine doll that the collector bought from a tribe in northern Myanmar. Sorry Martin, but it may be the new love of my life – at least for now.
It was a fantastic afternoon, one that couldn’t have been more fun for a Stuff collector like myself. Well done, Martin Manintines 2010 was a huge success. Now how to get these gems home (it’s apparently illegal to ship anything from Myanmar to the States)….
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This entry was posted on Monday, February 15th, 2010 at 10:39 pm and is filed under Myanmar (Burma). You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.