The Indian Museum in Kolkata is a glorious throwback to what museums used to be like. It has everything from intact whale skeletons to Egyptian mummies and Naga crossbows. The taxidermied animal section is especially freaky-looking, with a moth-eaten Polar Bear that has turned brown with age, a Tiger so amateurishly stuffed that he looks absolutely terrified and endless rows of fish and snakes. Oh, and human fetuses pickled in formaldehyde.
Not exactly whiter than snow anymore
In the end, we found the art section to be the most interesting: a collection of quaint, subtle watercolors, painted by unknown (to us) masters. It’s a pity the lighting was so dismal – both for the sake of the paintings, who deserve better; and also for you readers, because all the pictures we took were too low in quality to post. Instead, we present you with this familiar image of Jaime and husband (?).
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