I’ve spent the last three days elbow-deep in fellow travel blogs, twitter, Facebook – you name it, I’ve been there. I’m setting the computer down and slowly backing away (as Martin has started to complain that he misses his wife) but before I do, I’d like to introduce a little thing that I’ve fallen in love with on other blogs:
Picture of the Day (or week, or minute – some people are seriously fast with their updates).
Everyone knows that there are some seriously great photos out there. The world is, after all, an amazing place. Well, considering the measly, poor-excuse-for-a-camera we’ve been carrying around it’s hard to compete in the photo beauty contest. So I’m instating a Seatofourpants style Photo of the Day (or week, depending on how hard we’re traveling at the time):
The WTF SOOPic (Seat of Our Pants Pic) of the Day (aka: all things weird, wacky or that just made us laugh)
Photo quality won’t be guaranteed, but we hope it brings a smile to your face.
Swedish game - circa 1970s
Without further ado, I give you today’s SOOPic: The game we just pulled out of storage at Martin’s parent’s house. For those of you who can’t read Swedish, here’s a translation: Lusen means Lice. The player’s sole purpose is to build a Louse out of little plastic pieces.
Who came up with this? Of all the beautiful bugs in the world, this company went with a Louse.
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